Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character created in 1928 by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks at The Walt Disney Studio. Mickey is an anthropomorphic black mouse and typically wears red shorts, large yellow shoes and white gloves. He is one of the most recognizable cartoon characters in the world and is the mascot of The Walt Disney Company, the world's largest media conglomerate in terms of annual revenue.
"Mickey Mouse is, to me, a symbol of independence. He was a means to an end" - Walt Disney. Welcome Mickey Mouse POPOBE to the the family of my collection!
" Las Vegas without Wayne Newton is like Disneyland without Mickey Mouse" - Merv Griffin
"The original Mickey Mouse Club, established in the 30's, was designed to attract children to movie theaters" - Annette Funicello
"What about Mickey Mouse? Disney tried very hard to make him a star. But Mickey Mouse is more of a symbol than a real character" - Joseph Barbera
yupp, when you see mickey you see disney :D
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